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  • 所在地区:山东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:983
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    Linqu County Xianghe Aticle Company is a pofessional manufactue and expote of cotton textile eve since 2002; weaving depatment—Changyi Liuchuan Towel Factoy is in China&squo;s most famous textile town-Changyi. Thee&squo;e 2 pinting and 6 compessed towel poduction lines. Weaving depatment owns 20 sets advanced apie loom and 30 sets kntting machines. Ou main poducts ange fom common plain towel, dobby & jacquad, velou eactive pint and emboidey type. With supe poduct quality and competitive pice, ou cotton towels ae expoted to Euope, Amecia, Southasia, Afica and etc.

    Among all ou poducts, compessed/magic towel ae mostly attactive nowdays. As moe and moe companies launch pomotion activities, compessed towels ae always thei fist and best choice since it&squo;s so conveinent to use them. Special designs ae especially welcomed; we&squo;e always eady to develop fantastic new items based on custome&squo;s design.

    To lean moe about what we have to offe, click on any categoy on ou poduct menu. Should you have any enquiies, please feel fee to contact us. Thank you fo visiting ou site and please check back fo egula updates and feel fee to contact us if you need cotton towel.




